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JTDA-Consulting is a company specializing in the renovation of small and large spaces. With experience in architecture, interior architecture and design offices. We are ready to support you from the start to the completion of your projects. This page contains legal information about the company and its website.
Company Name:
JTDA Consulting
Company name or company name.
JTDA Consulting
Address of the company's head office.
22 avenue Emile Zola 75015 Paris
Names of company directors.
Jaklin Tale
Company phone number, fax number, and email address.
Tel: 0967277580
Registration number in the commercial register 953 121 621 R.S.C Paris
Tax identification number.FR39953121621
Legal form of the company. SAS
Amount of Share Capital.
5000 euros
name or company name and address and telephone number of the host of its Wix site:
Wix Online Platform Limited
Address: 1 Grant’s Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland.
In the event of a dispute with JTDArchi-Consulting, we invite you to contact us to find an amicable solution. If this cannot be found, we inform you that the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform accessible at You can also contact the Arbitration Board of the European Commission.
Email: contact@ jtdarchi-consulting@com
Tel: +33967277580
Address: 22 avenue Emile Zola 75015 Paris France